Central Mountain Intergroup Office:

3900 E. Western Dr., Suite C Cottonwood, AZ 86326

(928) 646-9428


Mon - Fri: 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Just west of the corner of Western Ave. and State Route 260

The Verde Valley Buzz

The Verde Valley Buzz

It is published monthly and distributed throughout the Central Mountain region to keep the fellowship informed about our local Intergroup, and also offers messages of experience, strength, and hope as shared by our members. If you have an article you would like to share, please submit your story to vvaanewsletter@gmail.com.

Who writes the BUZZ?

You do. BUZZ stories are always welcome. The content of the BUZZ is written solely by sober members of AA around the Verde Valley.

What is the schedule of topics for the BUZZ?

The schedule is determined by the months of the year. The first month of the year, January is always about the first step/first tradition. The second month of the year, February is always about the second step/second tradition, and so on.

Holidays or historic events may influence a topic. For instance, relationships and romance are typical February subjects because of Valentine’s Day. The November topic is always gratitude because Thanksgiving is in November. June is the month AA was founded. Other special topics may be announced a month or two ahead of time.

When is the BUZZ deadline?

The deadline varies from month to month depending on holidays and Central Mountain Office hours. If you e-mail your story to vvaanewsletter@gmail.com. by the 15th of the month, it will usually be in time for the next month’s issue. Exceptions are November and December.

What should I write about?

Anything related to your personal experience in sobriety is an appropriate topic for a BUZZ story. Write in the first person (use “I” statements) to avoid a scolding or admonishing tone. You may write about your own beliefs and opinions as long as you don’t insult others for having different beliefs. (For example: “I believe this and anyone who doesn’t believe this is not really sober.”) Please respect the anonymity of other members in your writing. Avoid personally identifying details. (For example, “A woman I know at a noon meeting in Camp Verde who wears an eye patch and always has a parrot on her shoulder told me….”)

If you hear something at a meeting that makes you see things in a different light, write about it. If you’ve stayed sober through a difficult experience, write about it. If there’s something you really like about a particular meeting, write about it. If you have experience, strength, and hope to share, write about it.

How long should my story be?

A good story length is 500 words to start. Stories longer than 900 words will be edited for length. A long story is like a long share at a meeting: it takes up space that could be used to give other people an opportunity to share.

What about photos and art?

Photos and art are welcome. The BUZZ is currently printed in black and white. Think about whether the art you submit will look good in black and white.

Stories and art are published at the discretion of the editor and the Central Office executive director. Publishing decisions are made with the 12 traditions in mind.

Send your contributions to vvaanewsletter@gmail.com

We Have Chips!

Stop by the office to purchase chips for you and your groups!

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We will review and post it on our site.